Three Tips on Boosting Your Business’s Online Traffic

In today’s society, most everything has gone digital and the online community is ever growing. As such, your business website is vital to consolidating your clients, both existing and prospective ones. A good website enables you to gain more leads as people visit your page, and also helps build trust within your existing clientele. A lot of factors come into play when getting people to engage with your brand through your website, and that is exactly why you need effective marketing strategies.

Investing in the following strategies is a good step towards successful lead generation and website ranking.

1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

PPC is a popular choice for business websites because it’s a cost-efficient online marketing strategy that delivers immediate results. In Mountain Home, PPC management services are easily accessible.

Basically, you pay the search engine provider every time someone clicks on your business ad. By far, Google is the most popular platform for paid ads. Paid ads typically appear on the side of Google search results.

If you’re new to PPC, the phrase ‘paid ads’ can be daunting. But fret not because you’ll actually regain the money you’re spending to market your business online. You may even get maximum return on investment (ROI) when you bid the right amount for a keyword that will effectively engage the right audience.

2. Mobile-Friendly Design

The continuous rise of mobile search has affected the way businesses are developing their websites. This mobile-first trend has prompted web developers to optimize website design for mobile phone screens, primarily, and not just for desktop.

When a user clicks on one of your ads and is directed to your landing page, you’re going to want them to take action and stay longer on your site. Since people and their smartphones seem joined at the hip, these days, they are more likely to access your site through a mobile phone – and, they are also more likely to navigate your website if the layout is optimized to the size of their screen. A mobile-friendly site is your ticket to visitors staying on your website, and visiting it more often.

This is also beneficial in trying to get your website to rank organically. In 2018, Google rolled out an algorithm update that prioritizes mobile responsive sites, making them rank higher on search results pages.

3. Social Media

social media websites

Having a strong online presence outside of search engine results pages (SERPs) is likewise effective at getting people to learn more about your business. By maintaining activity on social media and posting quality content, you are making your business known across different types of audiences. Videos, live streams, and photos capture the attention of internet users, specifically, your target market.

Social media is a highly engaging online platform that enables you to interact more with potential customers. This, in turn, builds trust in your brand which solidifies your market’s relationship with your business.

In a world gone largely digital, successful lead generation – the kind that will gradually turn into sales – can be attributed to the skilled, targeted use of different online platforms and strategies. Don’t be afraid to invest in ad campaigns and other digital marketing initiatives because these will help make your website rank, resulting in more visits and clicks.