Maximize These Apps to Boost Your Shopify Sales amid the Pandemic

With more people shopping online amid the coronavirus pandemic, the e-commerce industry becomes more competitive. Many brick-and-mortar stores have shifted online; they now have websites and social media presence. Other people who have lost their jobs also try their hand at online business, selling in online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. If you run an existing Shopify store, what can you do to remain competitive? Amidst all these new players in the e-commerce industry, how can you stand out?

You probably have invested more in digital marketing to get new clients. Perhaps, you boosted your website’s security with various IT security programs to increase consumers’ trust online. But there’s another thing you can maximize—Shopify apps. Thousands of apps are available at the Shopify App Store. If you pick the right apps, you can convert more customers and boost your sales amid a pandemic.


Amazon is known for its product recommendations. Its product referral system is so successful that others imitate and even try to improve it—AutoCommerce is one of those apps that have done this effectively.

Use AutoCommerce, and you can have Amazon-like awesomeness in your Shopify store. Just like Amazon, this app provides customers intelligent recommendations. But of course, with this app, the suggestions are specifically from your Shopify store. Personalized upselling has never been easier. And the best part about this app is it’s entirely free. Give it a try and see how it quickly boosts your sales.

Referral Candy


There’s value in referrals. Imagine one customer getting a good experience ordering a product from your Shopify store and telling one or two of her friends about it—and these friends share your website on their social media platforms. The traffic (and conversions on) to your site will likely increase significantly.

But that won’t happen if you don’t have an excellent referral program. This is where Referral Candy comes into play. It is a must-have app if you want to encourage your customers to spread the word about your shop. And you don’t have to do much; Referral Candy comes with automated reward delivery system and referral reminders. It also includes a dashboard that makes it easy for you to track customers’ referrals.


Millions of people use Facebook messenger every day, but do you tap them? Recart is a premium Shopify app designed to help online merchants like you to improve your Facebook Messenger marketing.

Recart uses a smart display, so it only shows up to users who are logged in, and it isn’t intrusive to others. It also offers an extensive collection of features that make your customer service even better, including abandoned cart reminders, welcome messages, shipping notifications, and order receipts.

Again, thousands of apps are available in Shopify. But to not get overwhelmed, start with these three apps. Use each of them to their full potential, and you will likely see a significant increase in sales. From there, you can start growing your audience and set your brand apart from thousands of online stores.