The Need to Test Products That Use GPS Technology: A Primer for Product Developers

Global Positioning System transforming the worldWhen testing a product using GPS/GNSS technology, do you just go outside and obtain a satellite lock? This is not enough, and besides, you will need to deal with interference and reflection. Moreover, doing so will not reveal the performance of your product in real-world situations, and in the myriad of uses that you intend. That said, there is a necessity for formal testing using tools that are readily available.

Testing is important to expose existing and potential problems in terms of performance and hardware, as well as see how efficient a product is. This process also allows manufacturers to weed out defective items before they reach the customers and cause them so much money in damage claims and recalls.

In addition, testing provides an opportunity to discover areas for improvement. This can be done using specialized tools, such as a GNSS inertial simulator.

A note for product developers

GPS products are widely used in various sectors, including agriculture, aviation, and transportation. Lately, the travel industry has been greatly reliant on the technology, especially with the emergence of services, such as Uber and the like. Millions of people use these products; therefore, they must provide accurate and trustworthy information.

The trucking industry also relies on GPS devices to improve their dispatch and monitoring procedures. This allows trucking companies to increase efficiency in their operations and keep their drivers from making unnecessary or unauthorized trips.

Developing Global Positioning System

Developers of products relying on the global positioning satellite system must ensure that the technology they plan to market will perform admirably. Numerous variables influence performance; testing offers invaluable insights into the product’s utility. Testing is easier in a laboratory setting, where factors can be controlled and where isolation of performance parameters is advisable.

Instead of going outside where nothing can be accomplished, laboratory simulation is the recommended option. In laboratory testing, validity and reliability are secure, controlled, and repeatable.

Available tools for performance testing

Every developer must invest time and resources to determine the real and theoretical performance of the product. Testing with a GNSS inertial simulator occurs in both the laboratory and the field. In some instances, field trials may not be necessary if the system can simulate various real-world scenarios. If you want to launch the product at a specific date, you can fast track testing with the appropriate simulator.

The Demand for Reliable GPS Products

The goal of developers is more than just provide GPS products to those who need them. These products should meet the standards and expectations of the users. Their performance must be stellar and the reliability should come standard. The demand keeps rising, and so is the need to step up and provide better features and functionality. Value for money is what sets a product apart from its counterparts or competitors.

A complete range of tests may now be carried out with simulators that record live sky signals, replay signals, and generate specific scenarios. GPS testing is still costly, but you have various options. Affordable tests are available even if your R&D budget is not as big as that of your competitors.