4 Security Guidelines Every AWS User Should Know

Exploring new tech can be incredibly exciting, and if you are just diving into the world of cloud computing, then you have probably heard of Amazon Web Services or AWS. AWS is one of the earliest pioneers in the world of infrastructure and platform as a service. And both small businesses and large multinational companies rely on Amazon Web Service to provide cloud services.

If you need cloud computing for your business, then you are probably looking for an Amazon AWS reseller. Before making the jump, here are a few tips for starting with this service. Each cloud computing service has its strengths and pitfalls, and AWS is no different. Let’s begin.

1. Use multi-factor authentication

Your system administrator or root user has access to every component of your Amazon Web Services account, including deleting everything from the record. Anyone looking to exploit your system’s vulnerabilities and damage your business will try to gain access to the root account.

To safeguard against threats, both external and internal, you should enable multi-factor authentication for your AWS account. Even if a hacker somehow had your account’s password, they will not be able to gain access to the root account without a code or hardware token.

2. Don’t get blindsided by unexpected bills

Most cloud services, including Amazon Web Services, utilize a pay per use model. Some services are billed by the hour, while data is often charged by every gigabyte stored in the cloud. If you forget to close VMs or delete extraneous data, you might get billed more than you bargained for.

To avoid bill shocks, set up a billing alarm in your Amazon Web Services account. You can set a budget ceiling, and you will receive an email alarm if your bill has exceeded your usage limit.

3. Manage user access

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Do not forget to utilize your Amazon Web Services account’s identity management service. This service allows you to restrict account access based on the requirements of the account. You do not want multiple accounts with the same restrictions (or lack thereof) of the root user.

For instance, some accounts do not need to have virtual server privileges, while others are only for storing data. User access management allows you to control access and increase account security with just a few clicks.

4. Don’t sign up for a paid account right away

Sometimes, the free tier will do. If you still do not know the cloud needs of your business, then start with a free account and grow from there. Amazon Web Services has a basic free account for many of its services. For instance, you can utilize up to 5 gigabytes for free on your first year or use a virtual machine for a set amount of hours per month.

Amazon Web Services is the top cloud service provider and for good reason: They are the easiest to implement, offer the best security, and have the most economical pricing plans. Maintaining infrastructure on old systems already cost a lot, and AWS can be more expensive, so make sure you have planned carefully how you are going to use the system.